Hong Thai survey week 2, December 13-16


After the first survey conducted by Fund Director Nguyen Xuan Thu on October 14-16, 2021, Health Lap No. 1 Fund had preliminary information about the project selection location and contact points. local system; as well as coordinate with the District to establish a working group; collect documents related to transport investment, forest policy, tourism. The district also arranges to draw the map and measure the necessary data for the Project.

After the above results, the Chairman of the Fund Management Board Nguyen Huynh Dang Khoa and the members of the board decided to have a field trip to Na Hang, Tuyen Quang from December 13 to 16, 2021. Purpose of the survey. survey to select a suitable location to build the project “Happiness Village” and the project “Health Resort” of Hong Duc Hospital.

Actual survey of Hong Thai commune, phase 2, December 13-16, 2022


Combined in this trip, the Health Charity Fund No. 1 in cooperation with the Tuyen Quang Red Cross Fund donated 20 bicycles and 200 sets of anti-cold clothes to the children of the boarding high school; visit and give gifts to forest rangers of Na Hang district.


A. One Health Foundation

Established by Hong Duc Hospital Enterprise, the company has been recognized by the Ministry of Home Affairs as a state-managed fund operating as a non-profit in support of economic development and education. .

Currently, the fund is implementing activities in the southern regions of Ho Chi Minh City and the southeastern and central provinces. However, this is the first point north of the Fund’s interest. It is hoped that the fund will have a branch in the north and choose Na Hang as the first point of the Happy Village model.

Fund activities revolve around charity for children, people with disabilities, and people in difficult circumstances


Based on the fund’s activities, we can create a model of community culture, the connection between business activities and the people’s community, and finally create beneficial values ​​for people in terms of culture. socio-economically, creating a healthy living environment.

The Fund is capable of mobilizing contributions from not only domestic but also international funds. Enterprises create financial resources for the fund, and they themselves wish that through fund activities and investments, a portion of the benefits would be extracted from that benefit to support the poor.


B. Survey Site

Na Hang District

  • Ban Luc Village, Da Vi Commune – Visiting Tho Cam
  • Na Hang Hydroelectricity Lake
  • Can Kha Commune Area (Pac Chom Bridge)
  • Hong Thai Commune:
  • Na Mu village
  • Pac Khoang Village
  • Mu La (Adjacent to Bac Kan)
  • Umbrella Hill, Shan Tuyet Tea Cooperative

City. Tuyen Quang:

  • Hot Water Zone

Specific statements from the District and Department of Industry about the sites selected in this project.

About Na Hang


Na Hang District


Na Hang has the advantage of having a dam, a lake, and a hydroelectric power station. In addition, Tuyen Quang has not had a breakthrough in tourism, so the province has a priority policy in this area.

Department of Investment: The main purpose is that when put into use, it must still preserve the culture, keep the local identity, which is a strong point to bring tourists here.
Department of Transport: planning roads to develop Na Hang district, from Hanoi to the following clusters of routes:

  • The highway connecting from Tuyen Quang City to Ham Yen and Ha Giang has been included in the planning to the Smart Village. Currently the routes are being widened, the future is very convenient.
  • Expanding the route: Thai Nguyen – Tuyen Quang – Yen Bai, From Hanoi to take the highway to shorten the time.
  • Connecting construction of Ho Ba Be route.
  • In Na Mu: 15ha expansion area; Pac Khoang: 45ha

First point elevation: about 500 meters; 2nd point elevation: 600-700 meters.
Approach to culture, tourism, and health: For Tuyen Quang province with 138 districts, communes and towns, Na Hang alone meets the above factors, 99% is the Dao ethnic group imported into the Tay ethnic group. This is a factor towards preserving cultural tourism, resort tourism and health.


C. Surveying Process

Here, a meeting took place between commune comrades, the Chairman, the district secretary and the comrade of the Tuyen Quang Red Cross Association with the aim of exchanging and sharing upcoming plans.

Having dinner with the President, District Secretary together with the Tourism Departments of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.


On December 14, the delegation had a visit to Ban Luc village, one of the famous brocade villages here. The whole survey is the main thing but still do not forget to enjoy and admire the beauty and unique traditional features of the people here.

The highlight in Ban Luc village is the bed of Na Hang hydropower reservoir.

Na Hang Hydroelectricity Lake


With an area of ​​over 45ha/total district area of ​​863,000ha: 75% forest land, rich in precious wood, rare forest system thousands of years old, trees must be hugged by a few people, there are many primeval forests.



Visiting and living gifts to people in Tho Cam village


There is a species of black-cheeked langur in the world’s red book, with only a few dozen types of individuals left (not many). This is the most beautiful water season (for storing water in the winter-spring crop), the lake reaches Bac Me district of Ha Giang province (there are 2 directions: 1 to Bac Me Ha Giang, 1 to Ba Be lake – Bac Kan). This season, connecting Ba Be – Na Hang tourism is very close because of the rising water, go by boat, boat and walk for a part.

Currently, Bac Kan – Tuyen Quang province is implementing an expressway (Thai Nguyen – Bac Kan – Ba Be lake) with 1 commune there, 10km from Hong Thai.

As planned by the Youth Union, in Hong Thai Doan commune, they also gave meaningful gifts to children at Hong Thai boarding high school including: 20 bicycles, and 200 Tet shirts, and a financial support for children. teacher. Visit the Ranger area and give similar gifts to boost their work spirit.


Giving gifts to needy students



Video: Gift giving ceremony for needy students at Na Hang


The delegation also prepared many other spiritual gifts for teachers


The delegation gave gifts to encourage soldiers’ morale at the forest ranger


This is one of the meaningful actions that the charity has set since its inception, wishing for a generation of children in remote areas to have a better chance to go to school.
After 2 days of surveying, the delegation decided to have a meaningful rest in Hong Thai commune. Enjoy the traditional dishes, special dishes here, attend the ceremony to grant the Dao ethnicity before starting the last new day of the survey


Enjoy traditional dishes, special dishes here, attend the ceremony of granting the Dao ethnic people


It can be said that choosing the location of Na Hang as a place to build “New countryside, new health” is the most accurate move of the Foundation in the section “Happy Village” and “eco-resort” of Hong Duc.
With the current location, the future project will be very successful and gain a lot of positive support from benefactors and visitors.
On December 15, the last day for the survey, the delegation stopped at the Na Hang Lake, and had lunch on the boat.


Dao People's Level Festival



Na Hang lake

  • Meeting to report to the Provincial President with the participation of leaders:
  • Foundation Team, Consultant
  • Chairman of Tuyen Quang Province Mr. Nguyen Van Son
  • Director of Department of Planning and Investment Mr. Van Dinh Thao
  • Chairman of Na Hang District Mr. To Viet Hiep
  • Secretary of Na Hang District Mr. Nguyen Van Thang
  • Chairman of Tuyen Quang Red Cross Society Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long
  • Representatives of the Department of Transport, Culture and Tourism, Investment Planning, Agriculture, Tourism Area



Meeting to report to the President of the Province


Through the meeting, the delegation presented the plan to build “Happiness” implemented by the charity fund and “Eco-resort” implemented by the Healthcare Hospital, deciding to choose:
– About culture: Choose Hong Thai commune
– About Health Resort: Choose Na Hang hydroelectric lake
Here, Chairman of Tuyen Quang province Mr. Nguyen Van Son said:
Tuyen Quang is aware of the development process, always going ahead, from that perception, according to the Provincial People’s Committee’s NQ, there is a strict roadmap, for example which areas focus on agricultural economic development, mining minerals, which areas to plant forests.

The area where Na Hang does not have agricultural activities, keeps the landscape and environment of Tuyen Quang province, so it is of great value. We would like to welcome investors to gain awareness of the happiness index and preserve cultural values ​​as a foundation for development.

  • Regarding legal procedures: allocating land to the foundation or legal entity must be very clear.
  • What location does Na Hang district combine with the commune for people to buy and build into houses (between individuals and individuals).
  • There will be a meeting with the Department to get more opinions.
  • The project implementation process must have an order.
  • About to start expanding the road from Chiem Hoa to Na Hang.
  • The transportation system in the coming years will be greatly invested.
  • There was a proposal to the Prime Minister about adding an airport system, but this is a future project.”

Thus, the Provincial President basically welcomed the delegation for choosing Na Hang for the survey. Agree with the plans proposed by the Fund and will coordinate with relevant departments to come up with the next policy.
By noon on December 16, the delegation had completed the main work in Hong Thai commune and returned to Hanoi to prepare the meeting for the next work.
The project on “Happy Village” has been planned for a long time, Foundation Representative Mr. Huynh Nguyen Dang Khoa and representatives of the Red Cross Associations of the provinces had a meeting to discuss this long-term project.
On the basis of helping and dedicating a little effort to education and health care in remote areas, ensuring that children and everyone have the conditions to fulfill their dreams.
In the plan to promote project development, Hong Duc Hospital cooperated and jointly conducted a survey in Hong Thai commune with the aim of building an “eco-resort” after the covid-19 pandemic.
The project progress will be continuously updated on the OneHealth Foundation website and fanpage!



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