Departing from Hanoi on the right International Day of Happiness (March 20), the survey team of the Northern Representative Office of the Health Charity Fund was number 1, we eagerly set out to cross the 250km journey to the region. land in the north of Tuyen Quang City, this place is famous for its scenic spots that anyone who has been to even once will remember forever. We were at Na Hang Town, it was already 4 pm, still in time to watch the sunset with sunbeams stretching across the treetops like a giant golden carpet.


Nâng tầm Di tích ruộng bậc thang


Terraced rice fields


The first impression is fresh air with many trees and wide roads. If in the past, it took all day from Tuyen Quang City to Na Hang, now it’s only 2 hours, just go and admire the beautiful port, majestic mountains surrounding the roads with bends, the silhouettes of cars. Motorcycles of tourists “backpacking” to experience something new, the distance of more than 100km does not make it difficult for those who want to discover the wild beauty, the eco-tourism area is likened to “Ha Long dry”. However, for the Tay, Na Hang is called “Last Field”, a very simple name like the people here, honest and hard-working with the terraced fields winding between the slopes. hill.


Hong Thai


Here, nature has bestowed the land of Na Hang with magnificent scenery, forests stretching a green color full of eyes, mysterious caves and famous waterfalls such as apricot waterfall, Pac Hau, Nam Me, etc. The sound of the waterfall rumbling day and night like the sound of mountains and forests telling stories of legends passed down from generation to generation, remembering their roots forever, deeply inculcating the love between husband and wife, brothers,… km we came to Mo waterfall, a famous waterfall with the legend that she went to the mountain to find her husband to pick medicine and never returned, the white water rushing from the top of the mountain like a call to find a husband. At the foot of the waterfall is a clear lake, in the summer you can swim and cool off. At the bottom of the lake, looking up at the waterfall, we see a gentle and gentle waterfall like the hair of a faithful girl, stretching over the color of the waterfall. green of the mountains.



Na Hang has more than a dozen different ethnic groups living together, but most of them are Tay ethnic group (57.5%), Dao people (23.3%), Kinh people (9.7%). …Each ethnic group has different customs and habits, so Na Hang is also known as a land with rich cultural treasures imbued with national identity, then songs, passionate gliders, Long Tong festival, fire dance festival of the Red Dao people (Da Vi commune), just hearing about it makes me feel interesting, I want to join hands with boys and girls who are brilliant in the countless colors of evil spirits. dresses,…

Coming to Na Hang, you can stay at a hotel or take advantage of the community tourism atmosphere at the homestay, enjoy special dishes such as five-color sticky rice, pickled sour meat with more than a dozen natural herbs, fried buffalo skin. soft and sweet, bitter bamboo shoots, banana flowers, and indispensable hotpot with wild vegetables… sip a cup of corn wine and watch beautiful girls like pear flowers, flexible in dance.

Corn wine with yeast leaves is produced locally, you can drink it freely without fear of getting drunk, because corn wine is light from natural yeast and you will feel more secure if you have the opportunity to visit the production line directly. wine here. Speaking of corn wine, I suddenly remembered the poem: “When I went out to the street, I met wine; come home to meet my eyes; Friend, those two things; Makes my heart soft”, yes, drunk with meaning, intoxicated with love, drunk with the fruits of labor and intoxicated with the hospitality of the Na Hang people.



Saying goodbye to Then song, goodbye to passionate corn wine, 70 km further we came to Hong Thai commune, with an altitude of over 1200 m above sea level, the climate here is considered as the second Sa Pa of the Western region. In the north of our country, coming here in the pear blossom season (early March) you will freely pose for yourself a collection of “unique” and “strange” photos in the middle of the forest of white pear flowers.



The pear tree is very special, in the right flower season, the pear tree is white like a giant cotton ice cream, a gentle breeze caressing the petals will flutter like plump lips. Standing from a distance, the snow-white color of pear flowers covered the hillside with green grass looks like a giant natural picture.



Going one more slope to Hong Thai Commune People’s Committee Headquarters, people have not stopped admiring the beauty of the pear blossom snow carpet, then a kilometer long pear blossom path appears right in front, and so on, we It’s like being lost in “Bong Lai fairy scene” delighting in immersing yourself in the white color of white pear blossoms. When we arrived, even though it was near the end of the flower season, we still had time to take pictures, but the last pear flower was still white, the petals were round and pure, like the smile of a young girl, far away. Girls and boys hold hands to take pictures, play and enjoy the fresh, happier air.

Goodbye Hong Thai highland, we had a very meaningful day sitting on a yacht in the middle of a vast sky, the lake water is as calm as a mirror, on both sides are mountain ranges with 99 mountains. undulating like a watercolor painting, the landscape is charming. Traveling on a boat, visitors will visit the sacred temple, Pac Vang, and Pac Ta to pray for health and peace for the family. Pac Ta is a place associated with historical relic, worshiping and admiring Chieu Van Vuong’s fiance Tran Nhat Duat is the place to mark the 2nd war against Nguyen – Mong army. which means “estuary of rivers and streams”, because this place is the confluence of 2 rivers Gam and Song Nang.

Although we have not explored all the mysterious land, we believe that with the advantage of natural conditions, climate, and skillful, gentle and likable people, Na Hang has all the elements. to develop the eco-tourism industry, contributing to the economic development of Na Hang district in particular and of Tuyen Quang province in general.


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